Our facilities

The School of Electrical Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Sciences has impressive range of facilities which provide electrical engineering, computing and mathematical sciences students and researchers with the resources they need to make a difference.

Solar panels and 3 windmills against a sky backdrop

GEEP Green Electric Energy Park

The Green Electric Energy Park (GEEP) is a unique, state-of-the-art facility that supports Curtin’s commitment to excellence and innovation in teaching and research in sustainable development; in particular, renewable energy power conversion systems.

GEEP is an innovative laboratory that features futuristic power-system concepts based on environmentally friendly, renewable energy technologies. Based on the types of renewable energy sources and how they are integrated and displayed, GEEP is unmatched in Western Australia or Australia, and will serve as a model for future renewable energy laboratories. It has been hailed as one of the “new initiatives in power engineering education” by the industry professional body The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Power and Energy Society at its annual general meeting in the US in 2011.

The surface of planet earth in outer space with a small light visible in the left hand corner

Physics and Astronomy

The Curtin University research groups are well served by the Applied Physics’ Prototype Laboratory. These facilities and services are now also available to parties outside the university.

Precision manufacture of original apparatus ranging from explosive proof ballmills for nanoparticle manufacture, high temperature geopolymer molds and molecular biology culture habitats have been designed and manufactured at this facility.

The only limits placed on the possible prototypes that can be created here is the imaginative limits of the design team, which comprises firstly the Client, then the Lab Manager (Prototype Laboratory), and any number of academic and technical staff available within the university.

Other services include electronic design and servicing facilities (test bench and onsite), surfacing and polishing of samples and workshop technology teaching to permit student use of equipment.

5G lab

We are proud to be the first Western Australian to have an industry-university 5G lab, which can showcase some of the possibilities that 5G technology will offer. This new space accelerates 5G innovation and connects staff, students and industry to the cutting-edge technology.


Hydrogen lab

Having access to excellent facilities like these enables the team to develop new technologies, like thermal battery technology. The Hydrogen Storage Research Group (HSRG) undertakes experimental research into a vast array of energy storage systems in this bespoke lab, designed specifically for this research into renewable energy.

Computer superlab

The School of Electrical Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Sciences has invested in creating a superlab so that our students have access to all the right tools to complete their studies.

Through the creation of purpose-built facilities specific to the pedagogical needs of computer sciences, the project has improved the student experience along with creating a centralised location for the school’s activities.

Outstanding teaching facilities

The school of Electrical Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Sciences has an impressive faculty with extensive experience and knowledge. Combined with modern research and computer labs, using the most up to date technology, the school is a great place to study.