Simulating Wall Street

Our postgraduate students learn how to trade stocks, cryptos, forex, exchange traded funds (ETFs) and more, using the stock market simulation tool StockTrak.

Learn more about LSEG Workspace training

LSEG Workspace gives Finance undergraduate students access to trusted, timely and accurate content from more than 400 exchanges and OTC-traded markets and over 70 direct exchange feeds, delivered via LSEG Workspace low latency data feeds. It provides access to deep liquidity pools, with over 80 providers and more than 1,300 institutional clients, plus FX market pricing from over 2,000 contributing sources in 175 currencies.

This software offers several extra curriculum opportunities for Curtin students, including Essential Certifications. The Faculty of Business and Law also offers Eikon training sessions.

Further training

LSEG Academy offers training in Eikon. You will learn the basics, including the power functions and key services. To learn more, email or visit the LSEG Learning Centre website.