Interprofessional education

Interprofessional simulation YouTube video introductory screen - play video

Interprofessional education (IPE) is a key initiative within the Faculty of Health Sciences, designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to deliver optimal care across a range of health professions, disciplines and settings.

IPE partnerships and affiliations

Curtin’s Faculty of Health Sciences has established partnerships with a range of reputable organisations to enhance the IPE experience. These include:

Australasian Inter-Professional Practice and Education Network
Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaboration
Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education
US National Interprofessional Education and Practice Center

IPE Framework

Curtin’s interprofessional framework focuses on three key elements:

Client centred service
Client safety and quality
Collaborative practice

General information about IPE

General information about IPE

Our interprofessional education programs can assist students and education providers to prepare the next generation of health professionals.

An Interprofessional Education Committee oversees the development, implementation and evaluation of IPE in the faculty. Representatives on this group include the Director of Practice and Interprofessional Education, the Dean of Teaching and Learning, as well as representatives from within the faculty and industry.

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Important information for students

Curtin provides a range of interprofessional education experiences, both in the classroom and online.

Case-based workshops and practice-based learning are combined to provide the ideal learning environment to practise, learn and be assessed on communication, teamwork, conflict resolution and reflective practice skills.

Connect with us

Goals of the Interprofessional Education Team

Building our future workforce

Interprofessional first year

IPE workshops

IPE placements

IPE Frequently Asked Questions