Advisory Network

Faculty of Business and Law Advisory Council

The Advisory Council is the overarching body operating at the overall Faculty level.


David Lock

Mr David Lock

Deputy Chair
Water Corporation

External Members

Kevin Cass-Ryall

Mr Kevin Cass-Ryall

Former Executive Manager
Ramsay Health Care

Elizabeth Gaines Profile Image

Dr Elizabeth Gaines

Executive Director and Global Ambassador

Derek Gerrard

Mr Derek Gerrard

Director, Business Growth and Venture Fund
Purpose Ventures

Russell Gibbs

Mr Russell Gibbs

Director and Chief Executive Officer

Warrick Hazeldine Profile Image

Mr Warrick Hazeldine

Co-founder and Chair
Cannings Purple

Amanda Healy

Ms Amanda Healy


Robert Slocombe

Mr Robert Slocombe

Group Chief Executive Officer

R Tomkinson

Ms Rebecca Tomkinson

Chief Executive Officer
The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western
Australia (CME)

Michelle Tremain

Ms Michelle Tremain

Managing Partner

Ms Linda Dawson

Deputy Director General – Industry, Science and Innovation
Department of Jobs, Tourism Science and Innovation

Dr Dianmin Chen

Non-Executive Director
Global Lithium Resources Ltd

Internal Members

Photo of Vanessa Change

Professor Vanessa Chang

Pro Vice-Chancellor
Faculty of Business and Law

photo of Sonia Dickinson

Professor Sonia Dickinson

Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellor
Faculty of Business and Law

Mr Thomas Griebel staff profile picture

Mr Thomas Griebel

General Manager
Faculty of Business and Law

Transparent background

Ms Rachael Edwards

Executive Officer
Faculty of Business and Law

In addition to the Advisory Council, our school-based and research centre Advisory Boards, together with the MBA Programs and Executive Education Advisory Panel, help shape our courses and research for the benefit of students and industry alike.

Mr Kevin Cass-Ryall

David Lock

Professor Isabelle Huault

Brett Darley

Anne Driscoll

Dr Elizabeth Gaines

Derek Gerrard

Russell Gibbs

Amanda Healy

Robert Slocombe

Michelle Tremain

Dr Sun (David) Xiaoxuan

Professor Nigel de Bussy

Professor Sonia Dickinson

Mr Warrick Hazeldine

Mr Thomas Griebel

Professor Vanessa Chang

Rebecca Tomkinson

Dr Virginia Drummond

Dr Linda Dawson

Dr Dianmin Chen

Mr Kevin Cass-Ryall

David Lock

Professor Isabelle Huault

Brett Darley

Anne Driscoll

Dr Elizabeth Gaines

Derek Gerrard

Russell Gibbs

Amanda Healy

Robert Slocombe

Michelle Tremain

Dr Sun (David) Xiaoxuan

Professor Nigel de Bussy

Professor Sonia Dickinson

Mr Warrick Hazeldine

Mr Thomas Griebel

Professor Vanessa Chang

Rebecca Tomkinson

Dr Virginia Drummond

Dr Linda Dawson

Dr Dianmin Chen