A Week for New Futures

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During the week of November 13th 2023, the Faculty of Humanities held its first Indigenous Futures Challenge.

Led by Dean of Indigenous Futures, Associate Professor Mandy Downing, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from several secondary schools across Perth collaborated for three days of learning, activities, and an introduction to University life exploring what an Indigenous Future might look like. 

The challenge included meaningful activities such as Journalism workshops, Creative writing, Cultural Art and Adobe workshops all presented by the University, local community members and Industry experts.
Yarning, guest lectures, knowledge sharing and tours across our Curtin University Bentley campus on Whadjuk Nyungar Boodja, showcased a world of future possibilities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander secondary students whom we hope to meet again.

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Asked what she sees for Indigenous Futures at the end of the challenge, Dean Mandy Downing answered, ‘The Future looks bright with these students in it’.
The Faculty of Humanities would like to thank all the students and participating schools for attending the 2023 Indigenous Futures Challenge, and our special guests who helped bring this challenge to life.

If you would like to know more about upcoming Indigenous Futures Challenges based learning opportunities, please contact us at: humanities-engagement@curtin.edu.au

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