Navigating the Digital World, Series 2 – Episode 4

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“Addressing AI Bias and Ethics Concerns,” delves into the delicate balance between trust and caution in the realm of artificial intelligence.

While AI’s high accuracy instils confidence, the 1% margin of error can have profound consequences, especially when human lives or critical decisions are at stake. Ethical considerations extend to accessibility, ensuring that all students have equal access to AI technologies.

Privacy and data protection become paramount as AI systems learn more about our lives. As we navigate this landscape, responsible use of AI and critical awareness are essential for a thriving society. 

Episode 4 – Addressing AI Bias and Ethics Concerns

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This series features experts from across Curtin University and beyond including Academic Integrity Advisor Associate Professor Lesley Sefcik, WA Data Science Innovation Hub Director Alex Jenkins, Journalism Lecturer Dr Glynn Greensmith, LinkedIn Head of Public Sector Becky Tyler, John Curtin Gallery Director Associate Professor Susanna Castleden, Animation and Game Design Lecturer Jonathan Pillai, Chief Information Officer Jason Cowie and Dean, Sustainable Futures Professor Josh Byrne.

Navigating the Digital World” is a collaborative production created by staff from Curtin’s Faculty of Humanities, Learning Partnerships and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic’s office.

Curtin’s AI in Research Group (CAIR) is helping Curtin researchers harness the power of artificial intelligence.

Learn more about AI research at Curtin

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