Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS)
The Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 protects the interests of international students in Australia by enforcing standards of educational quality and service delivery. The National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 or National Code, lists the standards which Curtin University must meet to ensure that overseas students like you receive high quality education and training.
Student Responsibilities

As per the Student Declaration you signed on your Acceptance of Offer form, you are expected to comply with all Curtin University Policies and Procedures concerning your enrolment. As a student visa holder, you should also be aware of the following:
- You are expected to complete your principle course by the end date on your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). This usually requires you to complete 200 credit points per academic year. The University can only extend the duration of your CoE in limited circumstances.
- You must hold a valid visa while in Australia. It is your responsibility to know your visa expiry date and apply for a new visa or depart Australia before your visa ends.
- You must comply with the conditions of your visa, including those related to work limitations, Overseas Student Health Cover, course progress/attendance requirements and ensure your address is up-to-date in the OASIS Student Portal.
- You must not study more than 33% of your course units via online enrolments or distance learning. If a unit is offered both on-campus and via online enrolment, you must enrol in the on-campus availability.
- You must be enrolled in at least one on-campus unit in each compulsory study period.
Curtin University’s Responsibilities

Curtin University is legally required to comply with the standards and requirements provided in the ESOS Act 2000 and the National Code. These standards and requirements affect the way Curtin University markets, offers and provides courses of study to international students studying in Australia. The University is required to:
- monitor the enrolment of international student visa holders, in accordance with the Assessment and Student Progression Policy and Procedures, to ensure they can complete their courses within the expected course duration, do not exceed their 33% online study allowance and are enrolled in at least one on-campus unit in each compulsory study period.
- monitor students’ course progress in accordance with the Assessment and Student Progression Policy and Procedures.
- monitor attendance for any students completing ELICOS courses.
- provide students with access to an appropriate internal complaints and appeals process. Students who are not satisfied with the outcome arising from the University’s internal complaints and appeals process, may refer their appeal or complaint to the West Australian Ombudsman’s Office.
- provide a range of student support services to assist students with adjusting to study and life in Australia.
- have policies that set out the grounds and procedures for suspending or terminating student enrolments, for instance failure to re-enrol, non-payment of tuition fees, general or academic misconduct or unsatisfactory course progress.
- notify the Department of Education and Department of Home Affairs of changes to student’s enrolment or a breach of visa conditions related to course progress/attendance.
National code standards
Please see the information provided below for an overview of each National Code standard and the measures Curtin University has put in place to support compliance with that standard.