Foreign government interference and government-linked harassment
Curtin University supports the right of our staff and students to work and study in a safe space, without interference by foreign governments or their agents.
At a university, foreign government interference can include situations where an overseas government is linked to threats or harassment targeting students, staff or researchers.
Understanding and identifying foreign government interference can be complex. What makes it distinct is its intent: to advance another country’s interests at the expense of student wellbeing, Australian law or national/Curtin values. Foreign government interference can take many forms, including threats, intimidation, surveillance, silencing criticism, coercive or secret influence and the theft of technology or intellectual property (IP).
Curtin is committed to freedom of expression and academic freedom.
Harassment, intimidation, threats and foreign government interference is unacceptable.
Curtin is ready to help you
Lodge a formal complaint
Students, staff and researchers can submit a report about a concern or incident. This is the best option for making your complaint formal and seeking further action.
Anonymous submissions are accepted.
Discuss your concerns
Talk directly to our team about your concerns. This is the best option for receiving confidential and personalised support, assistance or guidance.
Signs of foreign interference
Indicators of foreign interference could include:
Click for examples
If you ever feel physically threatened, contact Curtin Safer Communities. In an emergency call 000.