Call for Nominations
This is a call for nominations for the election of one continuing or fixed-term academic staff member from the Faculty of Humanities to the Academic Board, and for a Deputy of this member.
In addition, this is a call for nominations for the election of one continuing or fixed-term academic staff member from the Faculty of Humanities to the Academic Board, and for a Deputy of this member to fill a casual vacancy.
Statute 21 – Academic Board provides for the establishment of an Academic Board. The Academic Board is a committee of the Council and is responsible to the University Council for helping to ensure that the academic quality, integrity and standards of the University’s operations as an academic institution align with the Higher Education Standards Framework.
The Board exercises leadership and has a major role in promoting and communicating academic values, standards, and quality enhancement throughout the University. It has three main functions and responsibilities:
- providing advice on academic matters to the Council, Vice-Chancellor and other members of the University senior executive on academic matters
- approving relevant policies relating to academic matters, and
- monitoring the performance, quality and standards of the University’s academic activities.
Elected academic members of staff from the faculties are a vital part of Academic Board. Individuals considering nominating for election are encouraged to read the University’s Corporate Governance Statement before nominating. The University encourages diversity on its committees and therefore particularly encourages nominations from people from diverse backgrounds.
If you have any questions, please contact the Secretariat at
Frequently Asked Questions
You can read more about the election process, and find answers to frequently asked questions on the elections page.