A long view of the Council Chambers

Election of a Non-Academic Salaried staff member to the Council

Notice of Election

When nominations closed on Monday 10 February 2025, four (4) nominations for the election of a non-academic salaried staff member to the Council had been received.

An election will therefore be conducted to determine which candidate will be elected to the Council.

The election will be conducted using Curtin University’s electronic voting system ‘Simply Voting‘.

On Wednesday 19 February 2025, all non-academic staff of the University will receive a generated email from Simply Voting which contains an Elector ID and a randomly generated password and a link to the Simply Voting website.

Please note, the generated email from Simply Voting may be received in your junk email box. Please ensure that you check your junk mail if you cannot find the email.

If you have previously unsubscribed to Simply Voting emails received in relation to any other election conducted by Curtin University, you will not receive an email from Simply Voting.  In order to vote in this election, you are required to resubscribe to receive Simply Voting emails.  To resubscribe, please contact the Secretariat via email secretariat@curtin.edu.au

Once you have accessed the Simply Voting website, the list of candidates will appear in a random order. If the candidate has provided a statement supporting their case for election or a photograph, you may click on their name to view the statement and/or photograph.

  • Voting will begin on Wednesday 19 February 2025
  • Votes will be counted electronically using the optional preferential system
  • You must vote for at lease one (1) candidate
  • Place the numeral ‘1’ in the box beside your candidate of first preference
  • You may choose to express a preference for some or all of the remaining candidates. Place the numeral ‘2’, ‘3’ or ‘4’ in numerical order in the box beside the candidate for whom you wish to express a second or further preference
  • Simply Voting will invite you to check your ballot choices before you submit your vote
  • Once the vote is confirmed, it cannot be recalled and you will not be able to vote again
  • The voting period will end at 5.00 pm on Thursday 6 March 2025. After this time it will no longer be possible to access the Simply Voting site to vote in this election.
  • Votes will be counted as soon as practicable after the voting period ends.
  • The result of the election will be declared by the Returning Officer on Monday 10 March 2025.

The term of office is from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2028.

If you have any questions, please contact the Secretariat at secretariat@curtin.edu.au

Frequently Asked Questions

You can read more about the election process, and find answers to frequently asked questions on the elections page.