The day-to-day running of the University is under the leadership of the Vice-Chancellor and a group of senior officers from academic and corporate areas.
The University Council is our governing authority according to the Curtin University Act 1966. The Chancellor leads the council. The Senior Executive Team (SET) is an advisory body that meets weekly to advise the Vice-Chancellor on strategic and operational issues. All decisions are actioned in accordance with the delegations contained in the Register of Delegations.

Professor Harlene Hayne was appointed Vice-Chancellor of Curtin University in April 2021, having previously been the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Otago in New Zealand.

University Council
The University Council is Curtin University’s governing authority.

Senior Executive Team
The Senior Executive Team (SET) is responsible for establishing and overseeing matters relating to Curtin’s strategic positioning and strategy implementation.
Organisational structure
Curtin’s organisational structure outlines the senior staff leading each of our portfolios.