Female education student teaching primary school students

School of Education

The School of Education at Curtin University has offered programs that embrace innovation in learning technologies, theory and practice since 1975, with the aim of preparing highly skilled and informed graduates who can teach and work in a fast-changing world. Curtin’s partnerships with schools and education providers in all sectors reflect our desire to work collaboratively to develop highly sought-after graduates.

Education at Curtin changes lives

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Message From Head of School

As Head of School, I am honoured to lead and support the School of Education’s professional staff, academics and students as they progress through their degrees and careers. I am particularly proud of the School of Education’s reconciliation and Indigenous education work. There are a variety of initiatives underway across teaching and research that seek to centre Indigenous knowledge, language and culture into curricula, and research projects focused on improving experiences and outcomes for Indigenous students and communities.    

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Jeff Brooks

Prof. Jeffrey Brooks

Head of School of Education


Enrolment Planners

Use the Enrolment Planner to determine the order of study for full time progression.

Professional Experience

Professional Experience is one of our strengths in our education degrees.

Curtin Connect

Student resources can be found at Curtin Connect.



Curtin Education researchers conduct world-class research on vital topics, using diverse methods. We address critical issues to enhance practice for learners, educators, leaders, and policymakers worldwide. Our School boasts award-winning scholars, funded projects, highly cited publications, and engaged academics who shape public discourse.


Curtin is ranked in the top 200 universities in the world for the field of Education and Training Studies (QS World University Rankings by Subject, 2024).

Real-World Learning

Participate in real world learning through teaching placements where you’ll put your learning to practice in a real work setting at a WA school.


Learn in classrooms that are purpose built and designed to mimic the classrooms you’ll teach in when you graduate.


Message From Head of School