Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry Advisory Board

Razanne Al-Abdeli
Current Curtin University Student, Journalism and Public Relations
Student Representative appointed by the Head of School

Professor Crystal Abidin
Staff representative with relevant course coordination, and expertise in learning and teaching and/or research appointed by the Head of School

Pauna Truong
Customer Engagement & Relations Manager, Carbon Neutral
External member appointed by the Head of School

Dr Vannessa Hearman
Staff representative with relevant course coordination, and expertise in learning and teaching and/or research appointed by the Head of School

Travis Vladich
Principal, John Curtin College of the Arts
External member appointed by the Head of School

Professor Shamit Saggar
Staff representative with relevant course coordination, and expertise in learning and teaching and/or research appointed by the Head of School

Mrs Listiana Operantanta
Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (WA)
External member appointed by the Head of School

Professor Angus Buchanan
Staff representative selected from another school outside of the Faculty of Humanities, appointed by the Head of School

Mr Frederick Yasso
Curtin University Centre for Aboriginal Studies
Staff representative selected from another school outside of the Faculty of Humanities, appointed by the Head of School

Professor Kit Messham-Muir
Standing Observer
Director, Research & Creative Production, MCASI

Dr Bruce Slatter
Standing Observer
Deputy Head of School, MCASI