Hydrogen Storage

What we do

What we do

As the world transitions towards a future of green energy, we require new technologies to enable the wide-spread adoption of renewable energy. Here at Curtin, the Hydrogen Storage Research Group team (HSRG) investigates new types of materials for energy storage. And to enable 24/7 renewable energy we require energy storage.

Our expertise in this area is used in conjunction with our industry partners to provide real-world solutions to research level problems in the energy storage space. Our expertise spans multiple research fields including those of hydrogen rich materials, new battery technologies, and thermochemical energy storage materials.

People raising their fists towards the sky

About us

Since 2005 the HSRG has developed many industry focussed research projects in the field of energy storage.



We are always developing new ways to export energy from Australia using hydrogen, click on the link below to read more.

Meet the team

Meet the team

Craig Buckley is the lead of the Hydrogen storage research group (HSRG)- read more about Craig and his team here.



The Hydrogen Storage Research Group (HSRG) undertakes experimental research into a vast array of energy storage systems.

Facilities and equipment

Facilities and equipment

The HSRG is well equipped to measure material properties – click on the link to see the facilities/equipment.

Awards and funding

Awards and funding

The HSRG was awarded the 2019 Curtinnovation award for Science and Engineering for developing their thermal battery technology.

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Thermal battery innovation

See how the Hydrogen Storage Group is involved with thermal battery innovation.

