SAGE Athena Swan

The Australian Academy of Science and Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering joined forces in 2015 to implement the Athena Swan Charter and associated accreditation program to Australia under the Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE) initiative. Improving the gender diversity of academic staff and students in STEMM is a priority to ensure Australia is competitive with countries which have a greater focus on this area.

Curtin University joined the inaugural SAGE pilot of the Australian Athena Swan accreditation program. We received the Athena Swan Bronze Award from SAGE for our efforts to improve gender equity and diversity in our University at a ceremony at Parliament House in Canberra on Wednesday 5 December 2018.

Curtin’s participation in the Australian Athena Swan program and commitment to the Athena Swan Charter demonstrates our willingness to work towards the achievement of the internationally recognised Charter’s aim of advancing gender equity in academia and leadership.

Curtin’s Athena Swan Action Plan and progress

Good practice guidelines for responding to gender equity challenges

Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE)