Entrepreneurship at Curtin

As the world seeks out the 21st-century disruptions that will deliver positive changes for society, universities play an important role in backing individuals who can initiate or contribute to those disruptions.

Curtin University has developed a pipeline of support for entrepreneurial individuals who want to transform disruptive ideas into global businesses. Over the past 20 years this pipeline has been the foundation of many new Western Australian products, services and businesses.

Introducing the Curtin Venture Studio

An Australian-university first initiative.

The Curtin Venture Studio will provide researchers and founders with access to infrastructure and human resources to fast-track the building of ‘protoventures’, successful enterprises based on demand driven research. Discover how you can engage with this exciting new opportunity.

Our programs

Our team have refined a suite of programs to support innovators and their startup companies, and we continue to develop initiatives to inspire and guide Western Australia’s next generation of entrepreneurs.

To date, these programs have supported the formation of more than 440 businesses that have collectively raised $200 million in funding and sold products and services to the value of $215 million. With the growth in entrepreneurial activity in WA, we aim to increase these outcomes tenfold over the next decade.

Trailblazer Program

Trailblazer Program

Supported by the Department of Education, the Resources Technology and Critical Minerals Trailblazer builds new research capabilities and drives commercialisation outcomes in the technology and critical minerals sector.

Curtinnovation Awards

Curtinnovation Awards

The Curtinnovation Awards recognise and celebrate individuals and teams developing new innovations through research, study, or work at Curtin University that could significantly benefit society. The 2024 Curtinnovation Awards will be held on Friday 30 August 2024.

Curtin Invest

Curtin Invest

This program provides new and experienced investors curious about angel investing or investing in startups the opportunity to diversify their financial portfolio and gain invaluable knowledge on the startup financing process.

Curtin Ignition

Curtin Ignition

Curtin Ignition is an intensive training program for aspiring entrepreneurs, academics and corporate innovators to trial and then prepare business ideas for the commercial environment. The program will run from Sunday 4 September – Friday 7 September 2024.

Curtin Accelerate

Curtin Accelerate

Accelerate is a free, 12-week program that will grow your entrepreneurial capabilities and transform your innovative product or service into a thriving scalable business. Applications for Accelerate 2025 will open in September 2024.

Curtin Kickstart

Curtin Kickstart

Kickstart offers early-stage funding support for pilot trialling, prototyping, commercial proof of concept, and bringing in experts to help progress your idea to market.

Join the Curtin Entrepreneurs Community

Are you someone who thinks outside the box and is looking to connect with like-minded individuals?

Curtin Entrepreneurs is a free, year-long membership available to Curtin students, staff, alumni, and graduates of our Entrepreneur programs Curtin Entrepreneurs that provides budding or established entrepreneurs and startup founders with the support, resources, and network they need to scale global businesses.

Other Entrepreneur programs

Curtin University hosts an entrepreneur-in-residence program and two annual entrepreneur events, which are helping drive the culture of innovation in Western Australia and our region.

Entrepreneurs in Residence

Entrepreneurs in Residence

Mentorship, guidance, and support are critical for emerging entrepreneurs and startup founders. Our Entrepreneurs in Residence provide expert advice on key areas of entrepreneur and business development with Office Hours sessions available to book with our Entrepreneur Experts throughout the year.

West Tech Fest

West Tech Fest

Curtin initiated Australia’s longest running tech and innovation, West Tech Fest, to showcase Western Australian entrepreneurs and startups to attract greater investment to the state. This is a must-attend event for anyone interested, working in, or building great startup companies. West Tech Fest runs from 2 – 6 December 2024.

For investors

Curtin University has been one of Western Australia’s leaders in technology commercialisation for more than 20 years.

From new devices for bone surgery and methods for assessing pain in individuals with dementia, to digital resources that empower us to address sustainability issues and climate change, the diversity of our startups reflect the core role of future-focused universities and honour the entrepreneurial mindset of researchers.

Commercial Opportunities

Commercial Opportunities

If you’re a venture capitalist or business seeking investment opportunities, visit our commercial opportunities to review the available research-based innovations. Then please contact us and we’ll provide you with more information on innovations that interest you. The success of our programs is gauged by our growing list of spinout companies.

Curtin Angel Syndicate

Curtin Angel Syndicate

Are you interested in investing but don’t know where to start? You can now benefit from joining our angel syndicate. The syndicate is designed to provide funding for early-stage founders whilst giving Curtin Alumni and staff the opportunity to learn about angel investing and financially benefit from Curtin’s entrepreneur pipeline.


We welcome enquiries from investors and industry groups, and from Curtin community members with exceptional ideas for new products or services.

Email: entrepreneurship@curtin.edu.au
Phone: 08 9266 7208

Rohan McDougall

Rohan McDougall

Executive Director, Commercialisation

Danelle Cross

Danelle Cross

Director of Entrepreneurship

Sarah Kahle

Sarah Kahle

Manager, Entrepreneurship Programs & Community

Maya Kavanagh

Maya Kavanagh

Marketing and Communications Consultant