Curtin in Japan

Curtin fosters strong relationships with Japanese universities, to share cultural insight and generate new opportunities for students from both countries.

Hasekura League

Hasekura League

In October 2022, Curtin University joined the Hasekura League, a consortium of universities for the promotion of Japanese studies. Centred on Tohoku University, the network includes 25 universities in Europe and North America, with Curtin being the first Australian university to join. The league meets regularly in Japan and at members’ institutions for symposia and workshops.

Agreement for visiting staff between Curtin and Toyo University

Agreement for visiting staff between Curtin and Toyo University

To mark a deepening relationship between Curtin University and Toyo University, including new double degree articulated agreements with the institutions’ master programs, Toyo University has invited Curtin University Faculty of Humanities colleagues on their visiting professor program 2023/24.

Agreement for visiting staff between Curtin and University of Hyogo

Agreement for visiting staff between Curtin and University of Hyogo

Dr Hiroshi Hasegawa has accepted the opportunity to participate in the program at the School of Economics and Management at the University of Hyogo in Japan. His primary role includes coordinating a unit, teaching a total of 15 special sessions online and face-to-face on the University of Hyogo campus. Dr Hasegawa will create, conduct and assess the unit assignments, activities and examination.

For more information on Curtin’s engagement with Japan, please contact Dr Reto Hofmann, Dean Global, Japan.