Prison engagement and outreach
At Curtin, we want everyone to be able to access the benefits of higher education. We provide a range of Curtin courses that our incarcerated students can study while in prison, helping them gain valuable skills and confidence, enhancing their career opportunities, and decreasing their chances of recidivism.
Discover more about how Curtin’s engagement and outreach programs aim to make a difference in people’s lives.
Courses available
We offer our enabling courses face-to-face in some Western Australian prisons, and also have a range of bachelor, graduate certificate, graduate diploma and master courses available to be studied via distance education directly through Curtin or via Open Universities Australia (OUA).
Download the full list of courses available
Studying from prison
We know that as an incarcerated student, you have a unique study environment and may experience restrictions with internet access, accessing learning materials and undertaking assessments. We provide support and adjustments to accommodate these needs, such as:

Contact us
Need more information? We’re here to help.
Curtin Prison Outreach
Contact Curtin Prison Outreach for course availability, requesting detailed unit outlines, course entry requirements, application assistance; advice and guidance on assessment extension and alternative assessment arrangements; student support (e.g. assistance accessing study resources); and assistance contacting academic and teaching staff across Curtin.
Phone: 08 9266 5671
Curtin Commerce and Law
Contact Curtin Commerce and Law for queries relating to commerce and business courses and units for incarcerated students.
Curtin Design and the Built Environment
Contact Curtin Design and the Built Environment for enquiries related to courses including Construction Management, Project Management, Planning, Geography and Environment and Climate Emergency.
Open Universities Australia (OUA)
Contact OUA’s Specialist Liaison Team for OUA admin and course application enquiries.
Phone: (03) 8628 2941
Fax: (03) 8628 2955