Industry Exchange

Unlocking student potential, solving real-world challenges

The Industry Exchange team at Curtin University connects industry partners to Curtin’s network of student talent and academia. The team utilises a project-based model to deliver value to industry clients across all sectors. A paid student intern tackles a real-world business challenge by delivering an agreed-upon project outcome, supported by Curtin’s wide network of academic experts.

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Connecting industry to the future workforce!

Industry Exchange works with a large variety of industry partners to connect them to our students to deliver on real world projects across every discipline. Hear from our past and current interns to learn more about what we do!

Why work with us?


Students get real-world experience and opportunities to apply their skills to meaningful projects that align with their studies.


Industry partners can invest in the future workforce by supporting top-performing students to deliver a solution to a challenge facing their business.

Our industry partners

We work with a wide range of industry partners to deliver projects across all sectors, including Mining, Critical Minerals, Technology, Agriculture, Finance, Manufacturing and more.


A portrait image of the testimonial author

Over the 2023-24 summer period, Assuro hired a PhD student via the Curtin Industry Exchange program to conduct a research project focused on integrating AI into our operations. The student worked in our Fremantle office throughout the summer, and having him as part of the team was great.

We are excited to integrate the research findings into our business processes and systems moving forward, and are grateful to the Industry Exchange program for facilitating invaluable business insights!

Leon Weston

CEO & Founder of Assuro
A portrait image of the testimonial author

My internship through Industry Exchange was a pivotal experience for my professional development. I was fortunate to collaborate with Assuro, and our project proposal that secured a multimillion-dollar investment, resulting in a second internship offer.

I highly recommend this program to PhD candidates. It broadens future career prospects, enhances vital skills, and builds meaningful professional relationships. Not to mention the financial incentive, which is definitely a bonus.

Jose Loureiro

PhD Student Intern at Assuro
A portrait image of the testimonial author

The internship we undertook at AVI through Industry Exchange gave us valuable experience of what it is like to work in the tech industry. Our work culminated in the foundations of a new software solution for employee management and an integrated enterprise solution to increase workflow efficiency.

The academic support team at Industry Exchange was extremely helpful. We recommend this program to undergraduates looking to gain industry experience and want a defined project rather than ad-hoc work.

Nicholas Wright and Jacob Jonas

Student Interns at AVI
A portrait image of the testimonial author

I secured a research position with the Subsea Innovation Cluster Australia (SICA) through Industry Exchange. I explored how large language models (LLMs) and GPT technology could enhance SICA’s member technologies and capabilities database.

Industry Exchange and SICA provided a supportive environment throughout my internship, fostering creativity and autonomy and allowing me to explore and develop my ideas while expanding my GPT and user interface design expertise.

Samantha Taylor

Student Intern at SICA
A portrait image of the testimonial author

My Industry Exchange internship with ECG has recently ended, and I have nothing but positive things to say about the experience. Completing my first engineering project has boosted my confidence and given me valuable insight into the industry.

Industry Exchange was amazing at setting up my work placement and was an always available asset to reach out to during my internship. I couldn’t recommend Industry Exchange more for students seeking paid internships.

Jake White

Student Intern at ECG

Contact us

If you have any questions about the Industry Exchange program, please reach out via

Or follow us on LinkedIn or YouTube for content from us about exciting upcoming opportunities and industry collaborations!