Curtin Insights

Showing results 40 to 50 of 52
Curtin Insights

Curtin WA School of Mines graduate Jade Singleton on paving the way for cultural change in the workplace

Jade Singleton travelling in Russia. If anyone had told my younger self that I would get the chance to work…

Curtin Insights

Curtin graduate Nicole Pates: How to cope with big life changes

Nicole and her two children. I’m not sure if it’s a good or a bad thing, but I’ve found I…

Curtin Insights

Staying Safe This Phishmas: Think Before You Click

Curtin alumnus Andre de Moeller-Samarin Every year, cyber criminals receive more gifts than anyone on Christmas in the form of…

Curtin Insights

Curious Corner: Chelsea interviews Nutritionist Rebecca Russell

Written by Alumni & Friends Our last hashtag#CuriousCorner episode for the year is here and it’s the sweetest one yet!…

Curtin Insights

Does friendship have a place in business?

Work forms a major part of adult life, at some estimates one-third of human waking life. That’s a lot of…

Curtin Insights

Careers Corner: How do you become a Metallurgist? 

Written by Alumni & Friends How do you become a Metallurgist? ⛏️👷‍♀️With more than seven years of experience working in…

Curtin Insights

Curtin graduate Caroline Constant shares what a career change taught her about life

Caroline teaching in the remote WA town of Kununurra. Ever since I was a child, I’ve always loved learning and…

Curtin Insights

World Mental Health Day: Q&A with Curtin graduate Leighton Bradfield

Written by Alumni & Friends Could the online space be a power for good when it comes to improving youth…

Curtin Insights

Curtin graduate Iris Smit: My top tips for managing mental health in business

Curtin alumna Iris Smit Launching a business comes with many challenges, however what I wasn’t prepared for was the toll…

Curtin Insights

Curious Corner with Professor Steven Tingay

Written by Alumni & Friends Curtin Alumni Kids Curious Corner is here! 🎉❓This is no ordinary interview, our curious kids…

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