Champion for Change: Kate Kirwin shares how She Codes is cracking the code for gender equity in tech

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Image for Champion for Change: Kate Kirwin shares how She Codes is cracking the code for gender equity in tech

She Codes Founder Kate Kirwin

Written by Alumni & Friends

Did you know in a recent study 78 per cent of high school girls couldn’t name a famous woman in tech?

On a mission to change this statistic, Curtin graduate and She Codes Australia Founder Kate Kirwin is making space for women to pursue and advance in tech careers all over Australia.

As a passionate advocate for women in hashtag#STEM, Kate has hustled to source more than a million dollars from government and industry to support more than 5000 women learn code through free programs.

How do we crack the code for gender equity in tech? Kate shares how she’s managed to do it below. 

Written by Alumni & Friends

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