Q&A with Curtin graduate Jacinta Reynolds: Becoming a better ally for neurodivergent people in the workplace

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Image for Q&A with Curtin graduate Jacinta Reynolds: Becoming a better ally for neurodivergent people in the workplace

Curtin graduate Jacinta Reynolds works as Neurodiversity & Inclusion Cultivator at idoba.

Written by Alumni & Friends

At the age of 14, Curtin University graduate Jacinta Reynolds was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, a form of autism spectrum disorder.

Despite being told that she would never go to university, Jacinta graduated from Curtin in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science majoring in Physics and specializing in Astrophysics.

Jacinta and the panel at the latest Neurodiversity Advocacy Network Event.

Today, Jacinta is passionate about advocating and helping other neurodivergent people reach for the stars as a Neurodiversity and Inclusion Cultivator at idoba.

Jacinta shares her advice on becoming better allies for our neurodiverse colleagues in the workplace and beyond.💛

Read Jacinta’s article here

Written by Alumni & Friends

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