Current and future domestic undergraduate students studying at Bentley or Kalgoorlie campuses can undertake the undergraduate certificate on top of their studies or the specialisation*. It will include the completion of four environmental and sustainability-focused units, combined with real-world learning opportunities.
Current and future international undergraduate students studying at Bentley or Kalgoorlie campuses can undertake the specialisation*.
*Students studying one of the following courses can select Planet Positive as a specialisation: Bachelor of Creative Arts (B-CRARTS), Bachelor of Arts (B-ARTS), Bachelor of Design (B-DESIGN), Bachelor of Commerce (B-COMRCE), Bachelor of Business Administration (B-BUSADM), Bachelor of Innovation (B-INNOV), Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Science (B-MTDSC), Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) (BH-ENGR). The number of applicable degrees will be increased over the next 12-24 months.