Weekly Wisdom: Three lessons I learnt working overseas

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Written by Alumni & Friends

“Don’t try to be the most interesting person in a room but seek to make other people feel important.”

These are the wise words from Australian photographer, filmmaker, and Curtin graduate Marcus Wong.

While in his final year of studying Screen Arts and Creative Advertising at Curtin University in 2018, Marcus volunteered overseas at the Rafiki Africa Ministries children’s home in Uganda.

Using his impressive creative talents, he raised funds and built awareness of the organisation through his incredible photography; upon his return to Australia, he staged an exhibition of his photographs raising an additional $8000 for the home.

Marcus shares the top three things he learnt from working overseas. 📸🌏

Learn more about how Marcus is using his photography to make change here: https://bit.ly/3AUyk7C

Written by Alumni & Friends

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