Curtin students at Exchange

What's happening

Find out what’s happening around Curtin.

Whether it’s events, news and research, alumni stories, volunteer activities or lifelong learning opportunities, Curtin has you covered.

Explore alumni events and activities

Art & Design


Environment & Sustainability


Science & Technology

Society & Culture

Find your faculty

Business and Law

Providing education, research and industry connections.

Health Sciences

A home for our health professionals, caregivers and frontline medical staff.


Discover more about the evolving and multifaceted world around you.

Science and Engineering

Build, explore and contribute to research in earth sciences and industry.

Business and Law students Humanities students Science and Engineering students
Alumni events and activities

Alumni events and activities

Discover how you can stay connected with the Curtin community through alumni events and activities.

The Carrolup Centre for Truth-telling

The Carrolup Centre for Truth-telling

Shining a light on the injustices of our past and examining their consequences across generations so we can build a fairer and more inclusive future together.

CurtinFM Radio

CurtinFM Radio

Curtin FM 100.1 is a community broadcaster that has been educating, entertaining and informing since 1976. It is a not-for-profit enterprise completely funded by community support and sponsorships.

Update your interests
Caroline Robson
Head of Engagement

Caroline Robson

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Our friendly team is always happy to have a chat. Get in touch with Caroline to find out how you can connect with the Curtin community.