Can’t find your chemical on ChemAlert? Try the searching tips found in Guide 1A above.
If you still cannot find your chemical please follow the below process to add it to ChemAlert:
1. Obtain your chemical’s SDS from the manufacturer/supplier
- Obtain the Australian SDS version if you are presented with regional options.
- Refer Guide 3A for tips to locate Australian compliant SDSs for international manufacturers.
- If the chemical has instead been manufactured by you, go straight to step 3.
2. Confirm the SDS contains Australian supplier/manufacturer contact details in section 2.
3. Send the SDS to H&S
a. If Australian contact details are present on the SDS (Australian Compliant SDS):
i. Quote your PO number for this SDS addition (cost and supplier details are below)
ii. Forward the SDS to and state that the SDS is Australian.
b. If Australian contact details are not present on the SDS (International SDS):
i. Quote your PO number for authoring of this SDS (cost and supplier details are below)
ii. Forward the SDS to, and state that the SDS needs to be authored.
iii. Additionally, provide your Area/School’s contact details for the new SDS:
- Area/School Name: Curtin University – Area/School name
- An Area/School administration email address:
- An Area/School administration phone number:
- An Area/School web page:
iv. Additional Notes:
SDS creation forms are no longer required when the international SDS has been supplied.
Authored SDSs will list Curtin University as the importer/supplier contact using the details you have provided, and will be visible only to Curtin University.
c. If the chemical has been manufactured by you (Curtin Manufactured Chemical):
i. Quote your PO number for the authoring of this SDS (cost and supplier details are below)
ii. Complete the ChemAlert Form
iii. Forward the form to, and state that this is an SDS for a Curtin manufactured chemical.
4. Associated costs & supplier details:
a. Authored SDSs for international chemicals and Curtin manufactured chemicals:
i. $150 ex GST per SDS, unless Curtin has remaining credits.
ii. As of January 2022:
Curtin has a number of credits available for authored SDSs.
b. Australian Compliant SDS uploads:
i. Bulk pricing as per below, unless Curtin has remaining credits. It is recommended that Schools/Faculties raise POs for their SDS needs in order to take advantage of bulk pricing for their combined Disciplines.
ii. ≥100 SDS uploads / ChemAlert Reports = $15/SDS ex GST
iii. 10 to 99 SDS uploads / ChemAlert Reports = $20/SDS ex GST
iv. 1 to 9 SDS uploads / ChemAlert Reports = $25/SDS ex GST
v. As of January 2022:
Curtin has a number of credits available for SDS uploads
c. Supplier details for raising Purchase Orders (PO):
Risk Management Technologies Pty Ltd | ABN: 390 9616 7207