Risk Assessments
Before using any product that has been classified as a Hazardous Substance and/ or Dangerous Good (as detailed on the SDS), a risk assessment must be undertaken to determine the possible hazards of the product and the control measures required for its safe use.
To complete the assessment you will:
- Identify the hazardous substances to which workers are exposed;
- Utilise your own knowledge of the chemical;
- Review the Safety Data Sheet and Label to further identify the risks;
- Review the use of the product, including the concentration and duration;
- Review the existing procedures for safe handling according to the hierarchy of controls, refer to the Risk Assessment Guidelines;
- Review the use of personal protective equipment.
This assessment will enable you to determine the likelihood of injury or harm.
All chemical and chemical task risk assessments must be completed online using the CHARM Risk Assessment Module. Completed assessments should be reviewed at least every 5 years, or earlier where circumstances change.
For more information regarding responsibilities and authorisation of risk assessments, please refer to the Chemical Management Plan under the heading Risk Assessment of tasks involving chemicals.
The Health and Safety team should be contacted on ext.4900 for assistance in these instances.