Contractors at Curtin

What is changing?
From 1 November 2023, contractors are required to sign-in when arriving on Curtin premises.
• App based sign-in for convenience – download from Google Play or the App store
• Static QR code sign in available at fixed locations on campus – Buildings 110 and 115
• Includes Bentley, Perth City, Midland, Tech Park and Kalgoorlie campuses

Who needs to comply?
If it has been determined that a contractor needs to be in Rapid Global, they are included in this change. It does not include visitors to site, or attendance for meetings, to supply a quote for services, or advice.
Having trouble signing in?
All Curtin contractors need to be current in Rapid Global to work on Curtin premises – if you are having trouble signing in, it could be due to:
- Out of Date Details – If you have expired inductions, have changed your details (i.e. email or phone number) or not verified a phone number, you will not be able to sign in. Please contact your company/employer to update your records.
- Multiple Profiles – Some contractors work for more than one company and may have two or more profiles. If this is your circumstance, you will need to contact Rapid Global on 1800 307 595 to have your profiles linked.
Further Questions? Please refer to the Contractor Sign in FAQ.