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Chemical Safety

Chemical Management Flow

A 3-page summary based on the Chemical Management Plan to detail the processes for workers to procure, store, maintain, and dispose of chemicals.


ChemAlert is the University’s Chemical Register and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) database.

Safety Data Sheets

Safety Data Sheets contain important safety information about hazardous chemicals to help you work safely.

Risk Assessments

Before using any product that has been classified as a Hazardous Substance and/or Dangerous Good (as detailed on the SDS), a risk assessment must be undertaken to determine the possible hazards of the product and the control measures required for its safe use.

High Risk Chemicals

Curtin University has identified the following chemicals as being higher risk for the University. If you are working with these Chemicals, you will need approval from your HOS as well as Health and Safety before acquiring or working with the following:

• Schedule 7 Cyanides
• Hydrofluoric Acid
• Nanomaterials

Storage of Chemicals

If you work with hazardous chemicals, you must store them correctly to keep people safe. You must make it clear where you’re storing chemicals with signs and labels.

Time Sensitive Chemicals

Time‐Sensitive Chemicals can degrade over time and develop additional hazards if not correctly maintained. These hazards have the potential to cause significant injury to personnel and damage to surrounding infrastructure.

Chemical Registers and Manifests

Each area is required to maintain a register of all the hazardous substances held.

Chemical Spill and Gas Leaks

Safe work practices must be followed at all times to prevent gas leaks and chemical spills.

Chemical Waste

Curtin University is committed to the safe and environmentally responsible management of hazardous waste. Where possible, the generation of hazardous waste will be actively avoided. Curtin arranges for a licensed contractor to collect chemical waste from all sites several times per year.

Learn about chemical safety

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