Training Needs Analysis
In accordance with the Work Health and Safety Act 2020, Curtin University is committed to providing appropriate training to ensure workers have the skills and knowledge necessary to fulfil their health and safety obligations.
A training needs analysis (TNA) is a process in which required learning competencies are identified for each individual within an organisation. The aim is to provide the necessary training to individuals based on a need due to their position, job role, or area of responsibility. The Health and Safety TNA is particularly focused on training that enables individuals to do their role in a way that protects their own personal safety.
Why do we need a Training Needs Analysis?
The initial analysis identifies any gaps in training required (leading to an individualised training plan) ensuring the safety of our people, and the university’s compliance with the current health and safety legislation. All managers and supervisors are responsible for undertaking a TNA for the positions in their area of responsibility and are required to review and adjust the training register on a regular basis. For specific information on how to conduct a training needs analysis, please refer to the Health and Safety Training and Induction Guidelines [.pdf 218KB]
To conduct the TNA you will need to know:
- The skills and knowledge required by each member of your worker as per their Position Description and additional tasks.
- The type of training that provides evidence of competency for each work activity i.e. Degree, Diploma, Cert IV, Licence, Certificate, or on the job training.
- The status of each workers training history in regards to each area if competency requirement.
- Strategies for closing the gaps through a range of learning and assessment options.
Instructions for completing a Training Needs Analysis
1. Add all positions within your Faculty/Business Area onto the Faculty/Business Unit spreadsheet column A. (You may like to have all positions on the same sheet or separate the information onto individual sheets for schools or areas).
2. Add any required qualification and additional mandatory or desirable courses specific to your team in separate cells in row 7. (Curtin Mandatory training for all positions and designated work roles are included in rows 9-14).
3. Indicate in each cell by inserting the relevant coloured shading the courses/qualifications that are required for each position.
4. Ensure that each worker takes responsibility to upload documentation/certificates/license updates into iPerform following each course.
5. If you would like to review your workers compliance with relevant training at a glance, please transfer this information across to the Training Matrix tab, then follow the instructions on the top of the Training Matrix page. Alternatively, for large Faculties/Business Units you may prefer to export training reports from iPerform.