Accessibility options
For assistance with submitting a complaint or any further accessibility issues, please contact the ISU on 1800 907 998.
In addition to online registration of your complaint, the ISU will:
- Complete a complaint notification on behalf of a complainant.
- Connect complainants with an appropriate translation provider.
- Arrange for a meeting with an ISU representative at an accessible location where required.
- Information is also available in alternative formats on request.
For hearing or speech impaired, please contact the National Relay Service (NRS) on the following 24-hour relay call numbers:
TTY/Voice Calls: 133677
Speak & Listen: 1300 555 727
SMS Relay: 0423677767
The ISU website can also be accessed using Browsealoud via
Complaint category
A Disability Access and Inclusion complaint category has been established for reporting complaints about access to services and events, buildings and facilities, information, service, complaints, public consultation and employment etc. Assistance and advice is also available via the telephone or by personal interview if required.
Please refer to further to Curtin’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan for additional information about Curtin’s DAIP strategies.