Ombudsman Western Australia
The Ombudsman PO Box Z5386 St George’s Terrace PERTH WA 6831 Tel. (08) 9220 7555 Email: Email (Reportable Conduct Scheme): Website:
| Receives and assists in the resolution of complaints received from people in Western Australia about the administrative practices of public sector agencies, such as State Government departments and statutory authorities, local governments, and public universities.
The office of the Ombudsman also monitor, oversee and review investigations undertaken by organisations into allegations of and convictions for, abuse of children involving any of the organisation’s employees. The Ombudsman may also at any time investigate matters of their own motion. |
Equal Opportunity Commission
Albert Facey House 469 Wellington Street PERTH WA 6000 Tel. (08) 9216 3900 1800 198 149 Email: Website:
| Provides means of redress to individuals who allege sexual or racial harassment; or unlawful discrimination on grounds of sex, age, pregnancy, family status and responsibility, impairment, marital status, religious practices or beliefs, political viewpoint, gender history, or sexual orientation.
University Visitor
Governor of Western Australia The Official Secretary St George’s Terrace PERTH WA 6000 Tel. (08) 9429 9199 Fax. (08) 9325 4476 Email: Website: | The Curtin University Act 1966 designates the Governor of Western Australia as the Visitor of the University with ” authority, as and when he thinks fit, to do all things that pertain to the office of Visitor.” |
Fair Work Commission Level 12, 111 St Georges Terrace Perth, WA, 6000 Tel. 1300 799 675 Email: Website:
| The Commission is responsible for administering the provisions of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 that deal with registration and accountability of unions and employer associations. This act outlines the standards to be met by registered organisations in relation to rules, financial reporting, elections, conduct of officers and other matters.Note: From 1 January 2014, a worker in a constitutionally covered business who reasonably believes that he or she has been bullied at work can apply to the Fair Work Commission for an order to stop the bullying. |
Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission
GPO Box 5218 SYDNEY NSW 2001 Tel. (02) 9284 9600 / 1300 369 711 Email: Website: | Established in 1986, the Commission is a national independent statutory government body. The Commission can investigate alleged discrimination on the grounds of race, colour or ethnic origin, racial vilification, sex, sexual harassment, marital status, pregnancy or disability. Human Rights education is a core responsibility of the Commission, along with the investigation and attempted resolution of complaints about breaches of human rights and anti-discrimination legislation.
Office of the Information Commissioner
Office and Postal Address: Office of the Information Commissioner Albert Facey House 469 Wellington Street PERTH WA 6000 Tel. (08) 6551-7888 Email: Website:
| The Office of the Information Commissioner accepts applications relating to the Freedom of Information Act (WA) 1992 with particular regard to the processes that are available in relation to applications for access to documents and records of the University. |
Public Interest Disclosure
PID Officer – Mr Andrew Wait Integrity and Standards Unit (ISU) Building 100 BENTLEY WA 6102 Phone: 0499 975 012 Email: | The Public Interest Disclosure Officer deals with allegations about improper or corrupt conduct by the University, or an officer of the University. Disclosures made under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003 are confidential, and the person making the disclosure is protected from legal or other action.
The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003 also provides for the following to receive public interest disclosures of information, according to the issue:
– The Corruption and Crime Commission – The Ombudsman – The Auditor General – Police
Please refer to the PID Officer to obtain procedures relating to the University’s obligations under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003 (WA).
Corruption and Crime Commission
Level 5, 45 Francis Street Northbridge WA 6003
PO Box 330 Northbridge Post Shop PERTH WA 6865
Tel. (08) 9215 4888 Toll Free: 1800 809 000 Fax. (08) 9215 4884 Email:
| The Corruption and Crime Commission (CCC) accepts and can investigate allegations of serious (corrupt or criminal) misconduct by Western Australian public officers. The CCC also monitors the reporting and subsequent investigation of serious misconduct by public sector agencies.
Public Sector Commission
Hale House 1 Parliament Place West Perth WA 6005
Locked bag 3002 WEST PERTH WA 6872 Tel. (08) 6552 8500 Fax: (08) 6552 8501 Email: Website: | The Public Sector Commission (PSC) accepts and can investigate allegations of minor misconduct by Western Australian public officers. The PSC also monitors the reporting and subsequent investigation of minor misconduct by public sector agencies. Misconduct prevention and education programs for public officers are also delivered by the PSC. |