This discussion explores themes of displacement, diasporic communities, finding your place and a sense of belonging.
What does it mean to survive colonisation, war, occupation, another culture or country’s laws and generational change?
What does it feel like to live in your parents, grandparents or ancestors memories of a time and a place. Memories that now seem far removed from the time you live in now?
Please join our guests; Whadjuk Noongar and Associate Lecturer Anthony Kickett, Professor Kit Messham-Muir, Artists Dr Maria Maderia and Olga Cironis – as they discuss the difficulties of “Belonging” in a time or society that doesn’t see a place for you, or a government that has rewritten your past.
Facilitated by Ron Bradfield Jr
This is a free event and light refreshments will be provided.
Header Image: Mai Nguyễn-Long Doba Nation installation view. Photo by Sharon Baker.