STUDIO Opening Weekend John Stringer Prize Talks

John Curtin Gallery 27 Oct 2024 12:30pm-2:30pm

Please join us to hear from John Stringer Prize artists for the first artist talk in the John Stringer Prize 10 Year Retrospective public program. Exhibition opens to the public 25 October 2024

John Stringer Prize 10 Year Retrospective Artist talks

The John Stringer Prize is an annual award and exhibition of newly commissioned work by Western Australian artists. It has been the direct outcome of the Collectors Club’s passion and interest in artistic practice – from the studio all the way to the exhibited work. John Curtin Gallery has been proud to present these exhibitions, and for this tenth anniversary year, presents a curated selection of new artworks by past winners. John Stringer Prize – 10 Year Retrospective not only celebrates and highlights the impact the John Stringer Prize has had but shares an insight into contemporary Western Australian artistic practices. 

A second John Stringer Prize artist talk will be held on 24 November: More details to come.

Hear from previous winners Jarrad Martyn, Susan Roux and Stewart Scambler.

Jarrad Martyn
Jarrad Martyn uses painting to explore the shifting nature of humanity’s relationship with the natural environment and how different historical events are framed. Constructed from a diverse range of things, academic research, personal and archival imagery is combined into an ambiguous narrative. Through a painterly approach to figuration, adjustments to the opacity, texture and clarity of the paint is made to evoke a sense of in-flux.

Susan Roux
Susan Roux is a West Australian artist. She obtained her Bachelor of Fine Arts, Honours, and Master of Visual Arts at the University of Stellenbosch. She also completed an Advanced Diploma in Visual Arts at the North Metropolitan TAFE. Highlights of her career include exhibiting in Here and Now – Lawrence WilsonGallery, Geraldton Regional Art Gallery, Homes a ‘Court Gallery and she is represented by Art Collective. Susan had several solo exhibitions and participated in numerous group exhibitions.

Stewart Scambler
Stewart Scambler was born in Scotland in 1949. He arrived in Australia with his parents and two siblings in 1956, settling in Kwinana. His early education focused on science-based subjects, and he subsequently worked in an oil industry laboratory. During this time he spent time in the army reserve and studied ceramics at Fremantle TAFE eventually abandoning the laboratory for a full-time ceramics career in the early eighties. He initially established his studio in Kwinana and later in serpentine where he built the first of his large wood fired kilns. 

These conversations are not to be missed, John Curtin Gallery is thrilled to host the previous winners of the John Stringer Prize for this artist talk.
Afternoon tea will be provided.
Free event: Registration is essential.

Header Image:  Jarrad Martyn, Endurance (detail), 2024, oil on canvas, 160 x 149cm. Courtesy of Stala Contemporary.