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Meet Curtin University’s Australia Awards Scholarship student – Dwi Suatman

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In this article we bring you more from one of Curtin University’s Australia Awards Scholarship students, Dwi Suatman. Dwi is from Indonesia and is currently working towards a PhD in Education at Curtin University. He completed the Introductory Academic Program (IAP) with Curtin University Library in semester two 2022, and we recently caught up with him again to ask a few questions about how the IAP has assisted him, his aspirations, his challenges and advice for other international students.

How did the IAP help you adjust to life in Perth and to studying at Curtin University? Were there any particular elements you found especially helpful?

I found it particularly beneficial, especially the aspects related to referencing, paraphrasing, quoting, and synthesising. The introductions to widely used software like NVivo, SPSS, and Endnote were also quite helpful to students. The sightseeing program to Perth city …[was] also wonderful, giving information [about] where the State Library is, the Museum is, etc.

Are there any specific challenges you have faced in your academic journey so far and how did you overcome them? Do you have any advice for new international students who are just starting their journey at Curtin University?

As a mature-age student returning to university after a considerable hiatus, the process of adapting to a new academic environment posed significant challenges. Recognizing the hurdles, I proactively engaged in various workshops and sought assistance from the University’s support services. Embracing these opportunities not only helped me navigate the complexities of university life but also facilitated a smoother transition back into academia. My experience has led me to offer a piece of advice to fellow international students: Don’t hesitate to seek help or assistance, whether it’s academic support or any other form of guidance. Embracing the available resources can significantly enhance your university experience and contribute to a more successful academic journey.

What are your career and life aspirations, and how do you see your time at Curtin University contributing to your future goals?

I have a strong inclination towards human resources development through education and training. Pursuing my studies at Curtin University is a strategic step towards achieving my professional goals, as it provides a robust academic environment. Throughout my academic journey, I have been receiving valuable insights not only from my esteemed supervisors but also from my peers and lecturers, engaging in a spectrum of learning activities such as lectures, seminars, workshops, and other collaborative endeavours.

What is your most memorable experience from your time at Curtin University so far?

I think it was the time when my research proposal was approved by the Graduate Research School. Officially, I am a Ph.D. Candidate.

We look forward to bringing you more from some of Curtin’s other Australia Awards Scholarship students in upcoming newsletters.  

Written by Claire Hulcup, Academic Skills Advisor (Numeracy)

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