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Showing results 40 to 50 of 128

Open Education Resources: a step towards equitable access for all

Textbooks are often expensive, costing between $50 – $150 on average. The high cost of textbooks often causes students to…


Meet Joanne Gibson

Joanne Gibson recently joined the Library as Learning Success Advisor at the Curtin University Kalgoorlie campus. We spoke to Joanne…


Discover, Share, Implement: Highlights from the Library’s Festival of Work

As part of a 2023 Library project to embrace and establish a culture of ongoing professional development, Curtin University Library…


Library support for incarcerated students

Around 100 incarcerated students are currently studying at Curtin University from prisons across the country. These students face considerable barriers…


‘Geopolitics and the Planet’: The 2023 John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library Anniversary Lecture

In 1941, as Japanese forces advanced south toward Australia, Prime Minister John Curtin famously declared that ‘Australia looks to America,…


Academics beware – the rise of predatory publishing

After the hard work of research, collaboration and writing, it’s a relief for many academics and students to finally publish…


TL Robertson Library report card: Highlights from the Library building survey

Time flies when you’re in a library! It’s hard to believe, but it’s been 10 months since the TL Robertson…


Open Access Week 2023

From the 23rd to 29th October 2023, the Library celebrated International Open Access Week – a week providing an opportunity…


Level 6 open 24/7 during study and exam weeks

We know that when exams roll around, finding the perfect study spot can be a challenge. To make exams a…


Celebrate International Open Access Week 2023 with our escape room, online webinars and more!

Join the Library to celebrate International Open Access Week, Monday 23 October to Sunday 29 October. Open Access Week 2023…

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