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Showing results 60 to 70 of 128

Learn about Reading Lists

There are numerous ways the Library’s Reading Lists service can help you teach – here’s some info. As we gear…


‘Comic, lyric and meditative’: reasons to read Elizabeth Jolley

Elizabeth Jolley gives hope to everyone who has reached middle-age and not yet fulfilled their dream of becoming a famous…


Metempsychosis: the archival revival exhibition

Our new student exhibition Metempsychosis: the archival revival, peers into the University’s special collections and emerges with new takes on…


Thirty-four years of typing for Elizabeth Jolley: Nancy McKenzie’s memories of a literary great

Nancy McKenzie began typing for the author Elizabeth Jolley (1923-2007) in 1968, long before Jolley became famous in the 1980s.…


A Beloved Teacher of Creative Writing: Elizabeth Jolley at Curtin University

The great Australian writer Elizabeth Jolley was a cherished figure at Curtin University for over twenty years, described at the…


Thesis Fest 2023

Are you a Curtin Higher Degree by Research (HDR) student? Register for Thesis Fest! Running on Tuesday 27 June and…


From the New York Times to Elizabeth Jolley’s onion soup recipe: 35 lever arch files and 22 years of The Elizabeth Jolley Research Collection

Curtin academics Brian Dibble and Barbara Milech began their Elizabeth Jolley bibliography project in about 1985, intending to construct a…


The Centenary of Elizabeth Jolley (1923-2007): Legacy of a Curtin Literary Great

Image: Elizabeth Jolley, date unknown. Courtesy of Fremantle Press. Curtin University lecturer Elizabeth Jolley (1923-2007) was a critically acclaimed, bestselling…


The Centenary of Elizabeth Jolley (1923-2007): Legacy of a Curtin Literary Great exhibition now on!

Our new exhibition celebrates the centenary of Elizabeth Jolley, showcasing our unique collection of items related to her life and…


Feedback on the Robertson Library

The exhibition on Level 3 of the TL Robertson Library includes a board where visitors are invited to share their…

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