Project Endeavour collection
This historically significant collection relates to Jon Sanders’ journey in the yacht Parry Endeavour three times around the world between 25 May 1986 and 13 March 1988. The record-breaking voyage was solo and non-stop.
Project Endeavour, under the umbrella of Curtin’s Centre for Marine Studies and Science Technology (CMST) and lead by Professor John Penrose, was responsible for the preparation program for the voyage and the two year voyage itself. Records in the Project Endeavour Collection include photographs, correspondence between Sanders and Penrose, scrap books, Sanders’ log books, designs and drawings of the Sanders’ yacht the Parry Endeavour, scientific results and logs, charts and maps, minutes of the Project Endeavour working party, sound recordings and film footage taken by Sanders during his voyage. The library also has oral history interviews recorded with people directly involved with Project Endeavour, including Jon Sanders, Professor John Penrose, and Dr Kim Klaka.