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Curtin University Library provides access to a large number of standards. Select one of the resources below to find standards available in our collections.

Intertek InformAustralian standards are available on the Intertek Inform platform.
Library catalogueSome standards are available through our eBook subscriptions, search the catalogue to find these.
ASTM CompassFull-text standards that focus on engineering, metals, petroleum, construction and the environment from the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM).
IEEE XploreThe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers database provides full-text access to standards.
National Construction CodeThe National Construction Code (NCC) provides Australia’s primary set of requirements for the design and construction of a building in Australia, including plumbing and drainage, and minimum required level for the safety, health, amenity, accessibility and sustainability of certain buildings.
Reading ListsAccess to teaching standards may be available via Reading Lists and/or Blackboard.

Requests for standards for research

Standards required for research, either by individual Curtin researchers or by research teams, may be purchased if they are not available via existing subscriptions. 

Follow the instructions on the document delivery page to request standards.

Requests for standards for teaching

Unit Coordinators can request standards to be purchased for teaching by submitting a request for a standard, not available on our current subscriptions, through the Recommend an Item form.

Once the request has been actioned the Library will reply with a link that the Unit Coordinator will need to add to a Reading List associated with the relevant unit.

Unit Coordinators add the provided links to a Reading List by creating a manual citation within the Reading List interface.

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