Curtin University Library is excited to announce the release of our online Research Data Management (RDM) training module.
Researchers of all kinds greatly benefit from training in how to manage their research data both to navigate Curtin University processes and as a core professional research skill. These trainings provide an opportunity to support best practice data management practices – but across the sector, institutions have different systems and requirements for data management, resulting in inconsistencies in training and guidance that can be confusing for researchers collaborating or moving between institutions. In order to help address the risk of inconsistency and get the benefits of common approaches, the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) supported the development of a “Principles Aligned, Institutionally-Contextualised” package of training material as part of the Institutional Underpinnings program in 2022. This training was based on the minimum RDM competencies identified in the RDM Framework for Institutions. Designed as a generic set of core materials that can be contextualised to a specific university, the training provides consistency in the training provided to researchers while allowing for the differences between institutions. Initially developed and implemented by 3 universities, Curtin University was then invited with 4 other universities to implement and improve the material.
After extensive consultation with Curtin University Information Management and Archives, Digital & Technology Solutions, Graduate Research School and the Research Office and multiple rounds of feedback from staff and students, the optional module is now available through the Research Integrity and HDR Essentials Blackboard module. All Curtin staff and students can self-enrol in the unit by searching in Blackboard / Organisations for “Research Integrity and HDR Essentials”, and then navigating to Managing Your Research / Research Data Management.

The module, developed by Library staff members Kaitlyn Houston, Coordinator, Research Services, Amy Taylor, Learning Success Advisor and John Brown, Coordinator, Research Services, covers the FAIR and CARE principles, data retention requirements, data classification, data storage options, data management planning, backups and more. While aimed at Higher Degree by Research students, research staff will also find the module a valuable resource. This interactive module is an excellent addition to the library’s Research Data Management guide and will provide researchers with a foundational knowledge of key Curtin University processes and systems at the start of their research journey.
Any organisations interested in adapting the materials should contact Dr Adrian Chew as outlined in the Github project page.
Written by John Brown, Coordinator, Research Services
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