Develop your academic skills

Improve your academic skills
UniSkills is a suite of online guides containing tips, resources and interactive activities to help you improve a range of study-related skills, including research and writing assignments, referencing, presentations, numeracy and statistics, digital skills and software training, and assessment preparation.

Get creative at Makerspace
Head to the Makerspace to learn a new skill and get those creative juices flowing! There’s a large range of materials and equipment, from 3D printing, electronics and laser cutting, to art and craft, for anyone to use for free.

Library workshops
We host workshops on the Perth Campus and online covering a range of topics including research and writing assignments, referencing, presentations, numeracy and statistics, digital skills and software training, and assessment preparation.

Peer Academic Mentoring
Improve your grades through student facilitated support sessions. Peer Academic Mentors (PAMs) are current Curtin students who can provide you with tips and advice to excel at your studies.

UniPASS study sessions
UniPASS is a free program of study sessions designed to help you maximise your grades for demanding units, strengthen your study skills and make connections with like-minded students.

Studiosity & Grammarly
Are you feeling overwhelmed or unsure about an assignment? Get writing feedback or chat with a tutor through Studiosity or Grammarly.
Look up your units’ textbooks
Check the textbooks for your units and find a copy to borrow or buy.

Learn new digital skills with 23 Things
23 Things is an online program designed to help you develop and enhance your digital skills, featuring topics like accessibility, video editing, digital security and more. Made by students, for students. Access 23 Things online program
Unit and course guides
Study spaces & equipment
We have a range of different areas and equipment across our three Library locations on the Perth campus to support different study styles and preferences.

Bookable study spaces
Bookable study rooms are available at TL Robertson Library. This can be booked online by individuals or groups.

Computers & printers
Computer labs and printers are available in our libraries. Laptops are available for loan from TL Robertson Library.
Faculty-based academic and English language resources
Access Library study support services
The Library is available to help develop your assignment, study, numeracy, digital and referencing skills.