Research Data Champions
The Research Data Champion program aims to build a collaborative and diverse community of research data experts to drive uptake of good research data management practice and improve discipline-specific research data management support for Curtin researchers.
The program focuses on training, promotion and advocacy for research reproducibility; good research data management practice; data management planning; and FAIR data principles.
Research Data Champions can give research data management advice in their discipline, or refer queries to the appropriate support areas.
To learn more about the program, contact

Dr Stephen Ball
Research Fellow, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine, Faculty of Health Sciences

Dr Lesley Crowe-Delaney
Adjunct Research Fellow, School of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business and Law

Jack Downes
Higher Degree by Research Student, School of Electrical Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Science, Faculty of Science and Engineering

Belinda House
Higher Degree by Research Student, School of Design and the Built Environment, Faculty of Humanities

Dr Parisa Izadpanahi
Senior Lecturer, School of Design and Built Environment, Faculty of Humanities

Dr Sean Lee
Lecturer, School of Marketing, Faculty of Business and Law

Jose Roberto Loureiro
Higher Degree by Research Student, School of Economics and Finance, Faculty of Business and Law

Professor Rachael Moorin
Professor of Health Economics and Data Analytics, School of Population Health, Faculty of Health Sciences

Loveness Matemera
Learning Analytics, LITEC

Dr Hollie White
Lecturer, School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry, Faculty of Humanities

Dr Siobhan Hatton-Jones
Associate Lecturer, School of Marketing, Faculty of Business and Law

Dr Gretchen (Gigi) Petery
Research Fellow, ARC Centre for Excellence in Population Ageing Research, Centre for Transformative Work Design, and Future of Work Institute, Faculty of Business and Law

Dr Kathryn Napier
Senior Data Scientist, Curtin Institute of Computation, Faculty of Science and Engineering

Dr Qassim Saad
Senior Lecturer, School of Design and the Built Environment, Faculty of Humanities

Shashank Sharma
Higher Degree by Research Student, WA Australian School of Mines, Faculty of Science and Engineering

Dr Sharon Smart
Lecturer, School of Occupational Therapy, Social Work and Speech Pathology, Faculty of Health Sciences

Dr Irene Suarez-Martinez
Senior Lecturer, School of Electrical Engineering, Computation and Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering

Jia-Xin Tay
Higher Degree by Research Student, Centre for Transformative Work Design, Faculty of Business and Law

David Hach Soeur
Higher Degree by Research Student, School of Marketing, Faculty of Business and Law

Chantel Tichbon
Higher Degree by Research Student, Faculty of Health Sciences

Dr Sawitchaya (Nancy) Tippaya
Senior Data Scientist, Curtin Institute for Computation, Faculty of Science and Engineering

Dr Ramon Wenzel
Senior Lecturer, School of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business and Law

Dr Caroline Alexander
Research Fellow, School of Allied Health, Faculty of Health Sciences
Areas of expertise:
My research focuses on detection, assessment and intervention of neurodevelopmental disorders. Working in an integrated clinical – research team, my research aims to be demand driven and support direct knowledge translation back in to clinical practice.
Why I’m involved:
To continue to work towards achieving excellence in data governance and management in my own work, where I handle large health data sets that include identifiable and sensitive information on vulnerable cohorts. I am also welcome the opportunity to promote best research data management practices to researchers in health-related fields.

Dr June Cao
Lecturer, School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, Faculty of Business and Law
Areas of expertise:
My core research focus is the burgeoning area such as climate change, carbon emissions, green innovations, ESG/CSR, financial and non-financial information disclosure and the cutting edge of sustainability reporting and IFRS. I use advanced methodologies such as big data, machine learning and topical modelling to solve multifaceted global issues from multidisciplinary perspectives.
Why I’m involved:
I would like to keep up with the best practices in data, data management and the latest in data infrastructure. This is critical in strengthening my own research capacities and ensuring the sustainability and productivity of my own research. I also enjoy sharing the relevant skills and knowledge with other colleagues and Higher Degree by Research students.

Dr Zhanglong Cao
Research Associate, School of Molecular and Life Sciences
Areas of expertise:
Statistical analysis, Bayesian inference, experimental design, data visualization.
Why I’m involved:
I would like to meet other researchers and learn and share our experience in data management.

Dr Julien Cassoni
Lecturer, School of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Areas of expertise:
Computational fluid dynamics, fluid-structure interactions, aeroacoustics.
Why I’m involved:
I am interested in promoting collaborative research projects through sharing of numerical and experimental datasets. I would also like to contribute to the design of effective approaches to collect, manage and distribute scientific data.

Associate Professor Felix Chan
Associate Professor, Discipline Lead of Economics, Deputy Head of School, School of Accounting, Economics and Finance
Areas of expertise:
Econometrics, time series, multi-dimensional panel data, machine learning, predictive analytics and risk modelling.
Why I’m involved:
As the size and complexity of data increases, it is obvious that a robust approach to ensure data integrity and transparency, which respecting individual privacy, is essential to ensure trust, reproducibility and the credibility of our research. I see the promotion of such practice the main role of a Research Data Champion.

Mr Martin Cupak
Software Developer, Space Science and Technology Centre, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Areas of expertise:
Linux, computer networks, data transfers, processing, storage. Big data handling (~PB). Distributed data acquisition and processing systems in remote areas, operations of these. Supercomputing. Programming and scripting.
Why I’m involved:
To find out what is around (technologies, optional solutions, practices, standards) and learn from experience of other data people with that. Further, I wanted to share my knowledge with others.

Dr Sharyn Curran
Director of Graduate Research, School of Management & Marketing, Faculty of Business & Law
Areas of expertise:
Business/IT alignment & strategy, privacy, corporate psychopathy & the ethics of computing.
Why I’m involved:
As an increasing quantity of data is collected, used and modified in general we need to ensure that we are consciously accountable for the data management over time ensuring that appropriate safeguards are in place.

Dr Hadrien Devillepoix
Research Associate, School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Areas of expertise:
Planetary science and astronomy. In charge of science and responsible for the data product of the Global Fireball Observatory (4.5 TB of raw data collected per day).
Why I’m involved:
I want to help other researchers in my area make their datasets discoverable and re-usable in the future, even after the project is finished. Eager to learn about best practices and solutions.

Dr Toto Olita
Research Associate, Centre for Crop and Disease Management, School of Molecular and Life Sciences, Faculty of science and Engineering
Areas of expertise:
Actuarial science, agriculture and resource economics, environmental economics, mathematical sciences, risk and uncertainty.
Why I’m involved:
This program will equip me with skills and tools (e.g. good data handling and sharing practices) that will enable me to contribute to agricultural and environmental policy and world food security through partnerships and collaboration opportunities.

Dr Ranjodh Singh
Lecturer, School of Economics, Finance and Property, Faculty of Business and Law
Areas of expertise:
Statistics, econometrics and behavioural modelling.
Why I’m involved:
Data is accumulating at a rate never seen before, we need to adopt best practises to adopt it.

Associate Professor Rebecca Walker
Deputy Director Graduate Research, School of Education, Faculty of Humanities
Areas of expertise:
Online education, technology enhanced learning, work integrated learning, and meeting individual learning needs.
Why I’m involved:
I am really interested in learning about and implementing best practices and latest developments in data management along with supporting colleagues and HDR students in this.

Dr Yifan Zhong
Lecturer, School of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business and Law
Areas of expertise:
International Business and Human Resource Management.
Why I’m involved:
The incredible value of research data requires further attention in management and retention. Meaningful research data is able to create information and knowledge in the long run. I am to utilise the research data management to promote research within my field.