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News at Curtin

Curtin Events

Find out what’s on at Curtin. There are a wide range of events both on the campus and online, with something for everyone.

eDNA | A. Prof Paul Nevill and Joshua Kestel

The Future Of, Ep 133 | 28:12

Insects pollinate 75% of all agricultural crops, yet many face extinction. Discover how a ‘Star Trek’ level tech called eDNA can help monitor vital insect pollinators and support global food security.

Global Futures | Professor Joe Siracusa

The Future Of, Ep 131 | 32:8

We’re at a pivotal moment in time for humanity. Are we doomed to repeat past mistakes or can Global Futures help to better shape our tomorrow?

Toad Containment Zone | Professor Ben Phillips

The Future Of, Ep 130 | 27:6

The cane toads are coming. Can a simple, but clever plan stop them from fully invading Western Australia and causing catastrophic damage?

Stonehenge | Anthony Clarke & Prof Chris Kirkland

The Future Of, Ep 129 | 31:34

A new discovery brings us closer to understanding one of the world's greatest mysteries ... or does it? Find out on this episode of #TheFutureOf.

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Campus and global community

Thousands head to WA’s preferred university for O-Week

Thousands of students from across Western Australia and around the world will begin their higher education journey at Curtin’s Perth…

Awards and achievements

Trailblazing trio awarded prestigious Honorary Doctorates

Curtin University has acknowledged a trio of respected leaders for their exceptional service in their fields, by presenting them with…

Awards and achievements

Curtin students use their Global Voices to tackle important issues abroad

Driven to make a positive difference, two Curtin University students will travel overseas to help tackle major issues, after winning…

Awards and achievements

Curtin students awarded prestigious overseas scholarships

Four Curtin University undergraduate students are set to take their studies global after being awarded prestigious scholarships in the 2025…