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Managing your exam anxiety

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Many students approach exams with some anxiety. Some utilise this nervous energy to make Kanban boards, re-listen to lectures, memorise acronyms and make colour-coded notes. The others? Those students procrastinate on their exam prep while worrying.

Stress motivates us to take action and is needed in life to an extent, but we also know that prolonged stress can be detrimental. While we hope you have been strategically working towards your exams all semester by taking great notes, using repetition and discussing complex areas with your peers, sometimes life gets in the way. You may not be feeling as organised as you had planned or are putting in long hours to catch up without looking after yourself.

Watch what you are thinking

It is important that you look after your mental and physical wellbeing extra well during the exam period, so don’t forget the basics while you are busy studying.

Exam self-care basics

  • Are you eating well, sleeping enough, or are you exercising?
  • Do you have some hobbies to balance out your studies?
  • Are you actively relaxing?
  • Are you spending time with loved ones?

Lunchtime Life Skills: Managing exam anxiety

In this free webinar run by Curtin’s Counselling and Psychological services team, you will learn about what anxiety is, and what happens in the body and mind when we experience anxiety.

We will also discuss some practical skills to calm the body and mind leading up to exams and explore resources to seek additional skills and assistance if needed.

You can also visit Curtin’s Counselling & Wellbeing webpage to learn more about Curtin’s free counselling services, other group programs and medical services for all students.

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