Curtin University and the Fremantle Dockers have signed an alliance agreement that will give Curtin students access to the football club’s facilities and players.
As part of the agreement, Curtin students will have ongoing placement opportunities and access to Fremantle’s new elite training and administration facility at Cockburn Central West.
Curtin University Vice-Chancellor Professor Deborah Terry said the alliance will deliver mutual benefits for both Curtin and the Fremantle Dockers.
“I am delighted that two iconic WA brands are joining forces to create valuable, real-life experiences for our students while providing Fremantle Dockers staff with access to Curtin’s cutting-edge research,” Professor Terry said.
“Through this alliance we will work together to identify future avenues for collaboration that will give back to the WA community. This will include projects around Aboriginal outreach, public health and international student engagement.”

Over the last 12 months, Curtin film and TV students have provided video and written content for the club’s website, and from 2016, students will provide additional content, including the production of a football panel show for Docker TV.
Exercise science and physiotherapy students will have the opportunity to gain training opportunities and practical experience at the club.
Fremantle staff will also have access to Curtin’s academic staff and infrastructure in the areas of multi-media, exercise science, sports medicine and, in the future, other disciplines.
Fremantle Dockers CEO Steve Rosich said the club looked forward to working closely with Curtin’s students and staff to enhance and grow the alliance.
“It is very much a two-way street, with significant benefits to both Curtin University and the Fremantle Dockers. The ability of the club to provide ‘real-world’ experience for Curtin students and for our players and staff to benefit from the University’s academic expertise and research capabilities exemplifies that,” Mr Rosich.
“The aligning of a highly regarded tertiary institution with an elite sporting club also creates an environment for Fremantle to make an ongoing and significant contribution to the community by providing genuine employment opportunities for Curtin University graduates.”
With both Curtin and the Dockers strongly committed to closing the gap, the alliance will look at providing educational and sporting opportunities for Aboriginal communities.
One of the proposed projects will see Curtin students work with players from the Fremantle Dockers to develop a series of videos aimed at educating and encouraging healthy lifestyle choices within the Aboriginal community.