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Message to students

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Columns at Curtin Perth campus.

Dear students, 

We are deeply saddened by the sudden death of a Curtin Science and Engineering student overnight on the Bentley campus. Police have confirmed his death is not considered suspicious, although the circumstances are undoubtedly distressing to all in the Curtin community. Our sincere condolences and thoughts go to his family, friends, peers and colleagues during this difficult time. Earlier today we reached out directly to all staff and students in the Faculty of Science and Engineering. 

We acknowledge news and social media reports surrounding the tragedy will exacerbate the distress already felt. In light of this, we want to remind you that support services are available to help, including:  

  • Lifeline on 13 11 14 (7pm-12am AEST, 7 days) 
  • Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 (8am-12am AEST, 7 days) 
  • 13YARN on 13 92 76 (24/7 crisis support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders) 

The Student Guild website also contains resources relating to support. Please remember that if you feel unsafe at any time reach out Safer Community Team 24/7 on (08) 9266 4444 or using the SafeZone app.  

Flexibility around assessments may also be available for those students who are affected. Please contact your Unit Coordinator to discuss.  

As always, it is important we look out for and support one another during these times and please reach out for support, should you need it. 

Thank you and take care,

Professor Paul Brunton

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic

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