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How’s your Aussie slang?

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Students conversing and laughing.

If you’re a new international student diving into the Aussie way of life for the first time this semester, you’ll quickly find that understanding the local lingo is as essential as grabbing a snag from a Bunnings BBQ on Saturday for lunch.

But we’ve got some good news for you! The next episode of our new YouTube series, I’m at Curtin, Now What? has dropped, and it’s all about breaking down some classic Aussie slang. Watch the video below to get the low down on some true blue Aussie slang from our host, Devna, and resident top bloke, Daniel!

Whether you’re a true-blue Aussie or a curious international student, here’s some more Australian slang that’ll have you chatting away like a local in no time.


“G’day” is an all-purpose greeting. It’s short for “good day” and is the Aussie equivalent of saying “hello.”


This one’s for your mates – your good friends. You might hear your friends often refer to others as “cobbers”. It means you’re in good company.


When you’ve got morning lectures, you’ll need some brekkie to kickstart your day. “Brekky” is short for breakfast, and Australians take this meal seriously. Avo on toast and a flat white are brekky classics.


If the Tav or the library is chockers, it means it’s completely full. So, if you’re planning to hit up a popular spot on campus, be prepared for it to be chockers during peak hours.

This is just a taste of Aussie slang – there’s heaps more where that came from. So don’t be afraid to quiz your new friends – It’s the best way to expand your Aussie vocabulary.

This content has been produced with the support of the Bupa Healthier University Fund.

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