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Your TISC questions answered 

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Navigating your way through the TISC preference system can be tricky. That’s why we’re here to step you through the process and answer all those important questions! 💡 We’ll also reveal how you can use the system to your advantage when the main round of offers rolls around. 🎓 

What is TISC? 

TISC stands for Tertiary Institutions Service Centre and its main role is to simplify and centralise the process of applying to university. Through TISC, you can send your preferences for the courses and universities that most interest you. TISC then manages the whole process of taking your choices and sending out offers from different universities, based on your results and study preferences. 

How do I apply through TISC? 

You’ll apply with your Unique Student Identifier (USI) via TISC’s online application system at can apply whenever you like but you’ll want to research your preferred courses first, to make sure you’ve met the prerequisites and any admission requirements. You can find out this information on university course pages or on the TISC website. If you don’t meet the admission criteria, but would still like to apply, contact the university directly to explore your options further. You can also get in touch to find out more about your preferred course.  

How do I choose my TISC preferences? 

You’ve researched your options and narrowed down your choices. It’s time to apply! You can select up to six course preferences. Make sure you list them in order of your preference, starting with the course you’d most like to study. It’s a good idea to include at least one backup preference, especially if your first choice is a competitive course. 

Think ahead and consider selecting a pathway course to your desired field as your second preference, like a Bachelor of Health Sciences or a Bachelor of Commerce. We also recommend having Portfolio entry (where applicable) and the UniReady Enabling Program as your third and fourth preferences. This way, you’ll have alternative pathways lined up giving you more chances to start your university journey. 

Can I change my TISC preferences? 

If you change your mind, you can absolutely rearrange your preferences. The TISC system is flexible, allowing you to switch your preferences around at no cost. Just keep an eye on the closing dates as these can vary between courses. Remember, when you change your preferences, the system automatically cancels all previous preferences, ensuring your latest choices take precedence. 

Important note: If you accidentally remove a course from your selection that has already closed, you won’t be able to add it again. Contact TISC straight away for advice. 

I’ve submitted my application, what now? 

Once you’ve submitted your preferences, you’ll receive a confirmation email from TISC so you know your application is live. If you don’t receive the email, log in to your TISC account to make sure you submitted it correctly. You’ll also receive a ‘coversheet’. This will tell you about any extra documents you need to submit to support your application. Make sure you check your email regularly as TISC will contact you if there are any additional submissions required within three business days. You can find out more about submitting documents at    

How are TISC offers made? 

Individual universities ultimately make offers of admission. The system is designed to offer you the highest preference possible. This means that if you’re not selected for your first preference, you’ll be considered equally with all other eligible applicants for your second preference, and so on. 

Your chance of being selected for a particular course isn’t reduced because you’ve placed it as a lower preference. If you’re ranked higher than another applicant who listed the same course as a higher preference than you, you’ll still be selected ahead of them. 

When will I get my offer? 

Some courses are eligible for early offers, meaning you could receive an offer from as early as July of the previous year. This generally doesn’t apply to courses with limited places and enabling programs. Typically, main round offers are available to view on the TISC website in late December, while second round offers are made in January. The details of your offer will be emailed to you by the university. 

Yay! I’ve received a main round offer. What do I do now? 

Congratulations! If you’re happy with your offer, and ready to start, accept the offer following the university’s instructions in your offer email. Make sure to accept before the stated deadline. If you’re happy with the offer but want to start your studies a bit later, you can apply to defer your place. 

If you receive a main round offer for your first preference and aren’t entirely sure about it, don’t rush into accepting or deferring the offer. Instead, you can rely on what’s called the TISC ‘automatic safety net’. You can move your first preference offer to a lower position on your list and try for an offer in a higher preference during the next round. This way, you can explore more opportunities without losing your main round offer. 

When the next round of offers is made, you’ll either get an offer for a higher preference course or your saved main round offer again. Keep in mind, a new offer cancels the previous one as you can’t hold two offers simultaneously. You won’t get an offer for a lower preference than your saved offer! 

What are my options if I don’t get a main round offer?  
Firstly, don’t panic! You have a few options. You can choose to do nothing and wait to be considered for the second round. This can be a risky choice as often what prevented you receiving an offer in the main round can be an issue for the second round. Instead, consider changing your preferences to courses where you meet the requirements. Or, if you haven’t met the English Language Competency requirement, you can sit the STAT test to achieve the required score.  

If you don’t know why you didn’t receive an offer, you can contact TISC or get in touch with the university directly for advice. Get in touch sooner rather than later as it will be more difficult to assist once second round offers are issued. 

What is a second round offer? 

Second round offers are made in January. You’ll be considered in the second round of offers, and may receive an offer if you: 

  • didn’t meet entry requirements in time for the main round, but have since met them 
  • are completing the International Baccalaureate or another year 12 qualification with delayed results 
  • changed your preferences between the offer rounds 
  • received an offer in the main round and used the ‘automatic safety net’ 
  • missed the deadline for main round offer applications 
  • didn’t receive an offer in the main round and chose not to withdraw your application. 

Need support with your TISC application? 

We’re happy to help! If you have any more questions or need guidance on arranging your preferences, get in touch. You can complete the online webform or call us on 1300 222 888. Alternatively, drop into Curtin Connect (Building 102) and our friendly team will be able to assist you.  

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