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The selfless journey in becoming a compassionate doctor

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Rohan smiles at the camera whilst outdoors

Rohan has always been a high achiever, in high school, he chose to study demanding subjects such as Math Specialist, Methods, Chemistry, Physics, and English, so medicine felt like the right transition for his next phase of study. Over his life, he has always been deeply interested in science, however, also shared that same interest in human connection, and hoped to create a career for himself one day that combines them both.

Rohan attributes his drive and motivation for study to the satisfaction he feels once an item is ticked off his to-do list. He has not felt external pressure to accomplish or strive for his current academic achievements, but he does so because he enjoys it, and has been that way since high school. Since arriving at university, Rohan found that the transition to this new type of study posed new challenges, while his high school routine included structured study sessions, university life offered him a flexibility that he wasn’t used to. Over the years, Rohan has been refining his approach and has found that each university year requires a shift in managing time, organisation, and academic responsibilities.

In his first year, Rohan focused on finding a balance between relaxation and study, recognising the importance of downtime in maintaining his mental well-being. As he progressed into his second year, he refined his study routine, dedicating specific blocks of time for study and incorporating breaks for meals and relaxation. This incremental adjustment has prepared him for the amplified responsibilities that his third year brings, which he confesses offers him very little breaks and downtime. Even though his downtime is now limited, Rohan has decided to engage in various extracurricular activities alongside his academic pursuits to grow himself further as an individual and give back. Outside of the full-time study of being a Medical student, Rohan also runs his own tutoring business, helping year 6 and 7 students and is also the Academic Director of the Curtin Association of Medical Students, a position that allows him to contribute to the academic development of his peers.

Despite the severity of his schedule, and his mile-long to-do list, Rohan does not let it phase him, instead, he continues to enjoy a disciplined approach to time management, using a diary to prioritise tasks and happily goes about his day ensuring that he stays on top of all his responsibilities.

One of Rohan’s core beliefs is that anyone can pursue a career in medicine, regardless of their background or previous experiences. He encourages others not to be deterred by misconceptions or preconceived notions about the field but to instead focus on their passion and determination to succeed, “You can choose your path. It doesn’t have to be straight out of high school. You can take a gap year. You can do another course and transfer to medicine. I know lots of people who have done that. There are a lot of ways to enter the course. It’s about as hard as you make it”. This mindset and attitude reflect Rohan’s personality perfectly, where he is not fazed by the magnitude of work or commitment people usually shy away from, instead, he takes it in his stride and moves forward to get the job done.

Looking ahead, Rohan is excited about the clinical placements that await him in his third year, as they will provide him with valuable hands-on experience and further insight into where he hopes to work one day in the field of medicine. Rohan’s journey is a testament to his unique outlook in life, his ability to be unfazed by the logistics of it all, and rather focusing on the parts that he can control and are important to him such as looking after people and forming connections. This mindset is a testament to his willpower, work ethic and compassionate spirit.

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