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Career revision

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With first semester well and truly done, now could be a good time to revisit your career development goals for the year. Here’s some points to reflect on:

Have a clear focus

Start by reflecting on your interests, values and long-term career goals. Consider what excites you and aligns with your values. Use this self-reflection to clarify your career objectives and gain a better understanding of the roles, companies and industries that genuinely resonate with you.

Develop marketable skills

Identify the in-demand skills in your chosen field and focus on developing them. Whether it’s technical skills, employability skills, or a combination of both, acquiring relevant skills will help you become a competitive job applicant.

Build a strong online presence

Think about your personal brand and online presence. Update and optimize your LinkedIn profile, showcasing your academic achievements, projects and any relevant professional experiences. Spend time creating a personal website or e-portfolio  to further highlight your skills and accomplishments.


There is no denying the power of networking to build meaningful connections. Think of it as people helping people and be open to attending different events both online and in person.

Not sure where to start? Why not seek out informational interviews with professionals who can provide insights into their careers and offer guidance. Remember, building a strong professional network can open doors to future job opportunities.

Practical experience

Want to be more attractive to future employers and enhance your resume? Then gain real world experience through part time jobs and internship opportunities related to your field of study. Practical experience gives you the opportunity to reinforce theoretical leaning, provides valuable insights into the day-to-day operations of a particular company and gives you the opportunity to network!

Fine tune your resume

Your resume is not a one size fits all document – it should be tailored to a each individual opportunity and company with the aim of securing an interview. Each resume should emphasize how your skills and qualifications align with the requirements of the job and make you an ideal company fit.

Our Resume Workbook can help you showcase your individual skills, capabilities and values to demonstrate why you are an ideal candidate. And, once you’ve drafted your resume, submit it to VMock for instant feedback.

Professional development

Want to stay informed about the latest developments in your field. Then take advantage of Curtin’s professional development offerings. Regularly visit UniHub and sign up for workshops, webinars and campus events that align with your interests and skill set. These opportunities are a fantastic way to stay up to date with the latest trends and developments in your field.

Set realistic short-term and long-term goals

Careers are built one step at a time, so it is important to break down your career development journey into manageable short term and long-term goals. This will help you gain clarity and maintain a clear focus. Think short-term goals within a realistic timeframe, such as completing an online course by the end of the semester or securing professional work experience by the end of the year.

Navigating your career pathway requires a positive, proactive approach to your studies and being open to new career development opportunities. By having a clear focus, saying yes to professional development opportunities and actively networking, you’ll position yourself one step closer to achieving your career goals this year.

This article was written by Career Development Consultant, Tania McKiernan.

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